Monday, May 20, 2013

Day 1-

Today I researched about the Basswood Tree. Here are the Facts.

-Is it native to North America?- They are native to North america.
-Is it native to West Virgina?- Yes it is native to WV.
-Scientific Name: Tilia americana.
-Common Name: American Basswood.
-Growth Rate: Moderate.
-Method of Reproduction:
    1.) Flowering and Fruiting
    2.) Seed production & Dissemmination
    3.) Seedling Development
    4.)Vegetative Reprduction
-Does it need specific growing factors to live? It can grow about anywhere in the North East.
-Why is imortant for us and for nature itself? IMPORTANT TO MAN: the soft wood is used for wood products. IMPORTANT TO NATURE: The honey on the tree and the seeds and twigs are eaten by wildlife.
-Does it have compettion- No
-Sickness, or any other growth defect the tree could inhabit? The only way the tre will die off would be by the animals or by humans.
-Other facts: Usefull for carving.


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